Events Calendar
Club Meeting
Saturday, March 07, 2020, 12:00pm
Hits : 453
Come to the second meeting of 2020 where we will add to the new year calendar.Please bring your ideas.
Remember your 2020 membership dues are payable.
Road Captain Judy Cowan needs a head count of those riding from Spokane to Goldendale on Saturday morning for the Memorial Weekend ride.
Also, a headcount of those wanting to ride to Chappie's over the 4th of July weekend. With the 4th falling on a Saturday this year this ride is a bit up in the air until we can see who can get the Friday before off. If the count is insufficient, this may become an over night trip leaving on Saturday.
New officers are listed at the website. Thank you to all who serve us.
Location 5030 W. Hoffman Pl. Spokane, WA