Events Calendar
Club Meeting
Saturday, June 20, 2020, 12:00pm
Hits : 358
Contact President Robert Landereth
This meeting will be hosted by Judy. Please note the location address.
Safe social distancing will be observed. The meeting will be held out doors weather allowing. No need to bring seating.
Primary purpose of the meeting:
- Discuss the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend
- SERA ride
- New ride ideas.
- Opening of the meeting.
- Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Reading of correspondence.
- Financial report.
- Report of officers.
- Report of committees.
- Old business.
- New business.
- Good and welfare of the club.
- Closing of the meeting.
Location 2633 E North Altamont Blvd Spokane, WA 99202