Events Calendar

Kettle Falls Food Bank Ride (club meeting)
Saturday, May 04, 2019, 08:30am
Hits : 376
Contact Panhandle Riders MC - 208-667-0608

27th Annual Kettle Falls Food Bank Ride
& Hi-Rollers Club Meeting

Hi-Rollers Members will have a breakfast meeting before the ride at
Sportsman Cafe, 6410 N Market at 8:30 AM


Meet at Denny's in Spokane Valley (Sprague & Pines) 8:30 AM
- or -
Join us at McDonald's in Deer Park, WA off Highway 395 at 10:20 AM

Then ride as a group to Kettle Falls.  Lunch & cookies!

We give donations of money, food, and toiletries.

Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling, outdoor

Location Sportsman Cafe (6410 N. Market).